
Hyperledger Fabric allows client applications (such as the rest-server API) to receive block events while block are commited to the peer's ledger.

CC-Tools have a built-in event funcionality that allows for a quick register of the event, which will automatically be listened and handled by the standard CCAPI.

The events in CC-Tools can be of three types: log, registering the information sent in the event payload on the CCAPI logs; transaction, which invokes another chaincode transactions when the event is received; and custom, which executes a custom function previously defined in the event.

For the cc-tools-demo repository, there are 1 pre-defined event registered:

  • Create Library Log

The events definition is done in the chaincode/eventtypes folder

Here follow the list of files:

    eventtypes/               # event folder
        createLibraryLog.go   # definition of the library log event
eventTypeList.go              # list of events instantiated

Event definition

The construction and definition of an event is done by creating a file at chaincode/eventtypes folder

An event has the following fields

  • Tag: string field used to define the name of the event referenced internally by the code and by the rest-server clients.
  • Label: string field to define the label to be used by external applications and the rest-server clients. Free text.
  • Description: asset description string field to be used by external applications. Free text.
  • BaseLog: string field with a message to be logged on the CCAPI at every event calling. Free text.
  • EventType: defines the type of the event. Possible options being events.EventLog, events.EventTransaction and events.EventCustom.
  • Transaction: string field with the tag of the transaction to be called by events of the transaction type.
  • Channel: string field with the channel name of where the transaction to be called by an event of the transaction type is located. If empty, defaults to the same channel of the caller.
  • Chaincode: string field with the chaincode name of where the transaction to be called by an event of the transaction type is located. If empty, defaults to the same chaincode of the caller.
  • CustomFunction: a custom function to be executed by events of the custom type. It receives a stub of the type *sw.StubWrapper and a payload of type []byte, sent alongside the event, and returns an error.
  • ReadOnly: a boolean which defines if the custom functions for events of type custom can alter the world state or not. If true, no assets will be able to be commited to the ledger by the custom function.

Event example

The cc-tools-demo repository has the following example:

    eventtypes/               # event folder
        createLibraryLog.go   # definition of the library log event
eventTypeList.go              # list of events instantiated

Besides the files of each event, you must register the events that can be used by the Goledger CC-Tools library in the eventTypeList.go file

The definition of the CreateLibraryLog asset is as follows:

var CreateLibraryLog = events.Event{
    Tag:         "createLibraryLog",
    Label:       "Create Library Log",
    Description: "Log of a library creation",
    Type:        events.EventLog,                 // Event funciton is to log on the CCAPI
    BaseLog:     "New library created",           // BaseLog is a base message to be logged
    Receivers:   []string{"$org2MSP", "$orgMSP"}, //    Receivers are the MSPs that will receive the event

According to the description above, the event CreateLibraryLog has the following characteristics:

  • Is of log type, registering its messages on the CCAPI logs
  • Every event of this type received will have the base message New library created logged on the CCAPI
  • Only org2 and org will be registered to wait for events of this type

Event list definition

GoLedger CC-Tools events registration must be defined in the chaincode/eventTypeList.go file

var eventTypeList = []events.Event{

Calling the events

CC-Tools event can be called from the transactions using the stub object provided and a []byte can be sent alongside it.

For log events, the payload is a marshalled string:

payload, ok := json.Marshal("the event payload")

For transaction events, the payload is a marshalled object containing the parameters for the called transaction:

payload, ok := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
    "library": libraryAsset,

For custom events the payload can be anything on the []byte format, to be handled accordingly by the custom function.

It's possible to call events using the event object:

eventObj.CallEvent(stub, payload)

or using the event tag to trigger it:

events.CallEvent(stub, "createLibraryLog", payload)