Getting Started

GoLedger CC-Tools library was developed to be used in Linux operating system.

In general we use the Ubuntu 18+ distribution, however the library is compatible with other environments, but some adjustments may be necessary.

Download and setup

To learn how to use GoLedger CC-Tools library, download the demo code repository available on GitHub.

cd $HOME \
git clone \
cd cc-tools-demo

Folder distribution

. // cc-tools-demo root folder 
├── ccapi               // Rest API code (Golang Gin server) 
├── chaincode           // Smart contract code (GoLang) 
|   └── assettypes      // Asset definitions
|   └── eventtypes      // Asset definitions 
|   └── txdefs          // Blockchain transactions 
|   └── datatypes       // Custom property datatypes 
├── fabric              // Hyperledger Fabric artifacts 

These are all the necessary elements to use the main functions of the library.

Enviroment configuration

The following systems, platforms and languages ​​must be installed:

  • Docker 19+
  • GCC
  • GoLang 1.14+
  • NodeJs 10+
  • Hyperledger Fabric 2.5

If you are using Linux Ubuntu, run the following command from the root directory. This will download and install the systems above before starting development.


At the end, the following success message should appear.

Enviroment configured

Now you're ready to Write Your First Application.