
Blockchain assets represent the information that will be used by the Blockchain ledger (Hyperledger Fabric Channel)

Roughly speaking, an asset can be compared to a table in a relational database.

And just like in databases, assets are formed by properties, some of which can be part of a set of keys for that asset. Each property can have a specific data type, such as string, number, boolean, etc.

An asset can also be a Hyperledger Fabric Private Data, in which the information content is recorded in a transient database outside the ledger and only a subset of organizations receive this data, configuring readability.

Assets can also be created dynamically during the chaincode execution, using CC-Tool's Dynamic Asset Types funcionality, in which asset types are defined using invoke calls to the running chaincode.

For the cc-tools-demo repository, there are 4 assets (one of which is a private data)

  • Person
  • Book
  • Library
  • Secret (private data)

In order to use GoLedger CC-Tools library, the assets definition is done in the chaincode/assettypes folder

Here follow the list of files:

    assettypes/               # assets folder
        person.go             # definition of a person
        book.go               # definition of a book
        library.go            # definition of a library
        secret.go             # definitions of secret (private data)
        customAssets.go       # list of assets inserted via GoFabric's Template mode
        dynamicAssetTypes.go  # configuration file for Dynamic Asset Types
assetTypeList.go              # list of assets instantiated

Asset definition

The construction and definition of an asset is done by creating a file at chaincode/assettypes folder

An asset has the following fields

  • Tag: string field used to define the name of the asset referenced internally by the code and by the Rest API endpoints. No space or special characters allowed.
  • Label: string field to define the label to be used by external applications. Free text.
  • Description: asset description string field to be used by external applications. Free text.
  • Props: asset properties. It has its own fields (description next)
  • Readers: used to define private data organizations. If not empty, only the organizations defined in the array will have the ability to read assets from the type.
  • Validate: asset validation function. Allows for a custom code to validate the asset as a whole.
  • Dynamic: boolean field to indicate that the asset type can be modified dynamically. For coded assets it is recommended to leave it as false and use the upgrade chaincode funcionality to update the asset definition.

Property definition

An asset has a set of properties (Props) to structure the asset.

A property has the following fields:

  • Tag: string field used to define the name of the property referenced internally by the code and by the Rest API endpoints. No space or special characters allowed.
  • Label: string field to define the label to be used by external applications. Free text.
  • Description: property description string field to be used by external applications. Free text.
  • IsKey: identifies if the property is part of the asset's keys. Boolean field.
  • Required: identifies if the property is mandatory. Boolean field.
  • ReadOnly: identifies if the property can no longer be modified once created. Boolean field.
  • DefaultValue: property default value.
  • Writers: define the organizations that can create or change this property. If the property is key (isKey field: true) then the entire asset can only be created by the organization. List of strings.
  • DataType: property type. CC-Tools has the following default types: string, number, datetime and boolean. Custom types can be defined in the chaincode/datatypes folder. Arrays and references to other asset types are also possible.
  • Validate: property validation function. It is suggested only for simple validations, more complex functions should use custom datatypes.

Asset examples

The cc-tools-demo repository has the following examples:

    assettypes/               # assets folder
        person.go             # definition of a person
        book.go               # definition of a book
        library.go            # definition of a library
        secret.go             # definitions of secret (private data)
        customAssets.go       # list of assets inserted via GoFabric's Template mode
        dynamicAssetTypes.go  # configuration file for Dynamic Asset Types
assetTypeList.go              # list of assets instantiated

Besides the files of each asset, you must register the assets that can be used by the Goledger CC-Tools library in the assetTypeList.go file

The definition of the Person asset is as follows:

var Person = assets.AssetType{
    Tag:         "person",
    Label:       "Person",
    Description: "Personal data of someone",

    Props: []assets.AssetProp{
            // Primary key
            Required: true,
            IsKey:    true,
            Tag:      "id",
            Label:    "CPF (Brazilian ID)",
            DataType: "cpf",               // Datatypes are identified at datatypes folder
            Writers:  []string{`org1MSP`, "orgMSP"}, // This means only org1 and org can create the asset (others can edit)
            // Mandatory property
            Required: true,
            Tag:      "name",
            Label:    "Name of the person",
            DataType: "string",
            // Validate funcion
            Validate: func(name interface{}) error {
                nameStr := name.(string)
                if nameStr == "" {
                    return fmt.Errorf("name must be non-empty")
                return nil
            // Optional property
            Tag:      "dateOfBirth",
            Label:    "Date of Birth",
            DataType: "datetime",
            // Property with default value
            Tag:          "height",
            Label:        "Person's height",
            DefaultValue: 0,
            DataType:     "number",

According to the description above, the asset Person has the following characteristics:

  • Primary key cpf (custom datatype)
  • Only org1 and org can create or change the cpf property and the Person asset (because this is a key)
  • Property name of type string is mandatory, and has automatic validation to prevent empty strings ("")
  • dateofBirth property of type datetime optional.
  • height property of type number, with default value 0

The definition of the Book asset is as follows:

var Book = assets.AssetType{
    Tag:         "book",
    Label:       "Book",
    Description: "Book",

    Props: []assets.AssetProp{
            // Composite Key
            Required: true,
            IsKey:    true,
            Tag:      "title",
            Label:    "Book Title",
            DataType: "string",
            Writers:  []string{`org2MSP`, "orgMSP"}, // This means only org2 and org can create the asset (others can edit)
            // Composite Key
            Required: true,
            IsKey:    true,
            Tag:      "author",
            Label:    "Book Author",
            DataType: "string",
            Writers:  []string{`org2MSP`, "orgMSP"}, // This means only org2 and org can create the asset (others can edit)
            /// Reference to another asset
            Tag:      "currentTenant",
            Label:    "Current Tenant",
            DataType: "->person",
            // String list
            Tag:      "genres",
            Label:    "Genres",
            DataType: "[]string",
            // Date property
            Tag:      "published",
            Label:    "Publishment Date",
            DataType: "datetime",
            // Custom data type
            Tag:      "bookType",
            Label:    "Book Type",
            DataType: "bookType",

According to the description above, the Book asset has the following characteristics:

  • Composite key title and author, both with type string
  • Only org2 and org can create or change the title and author properties and the Book asset (because they are keys)
  • currentTenant property of type ->person which represents the reference to a Person asset
  • genres property of type []string which represents an array of strings
  • published property of type datetime
  • bookType property is of custom datatype bookType, defined in chaincode/datatypes folder

The definition of the Library asset is as follows:

var Library = assets.AssetType{
    Tag:         "library",
    Label:       "Library",
    Description: "Library as a collection of books",

    Props: []assets.AssetProp{
            // Primary Key
            Required: true,
            IsKey:    true,
            Tag:      "name",
            Label:    "Library Name",
            DataType: "string",
            Writers:  []string{`org3MSP`, "orgMSP"}, // This means only org3 and org can create the asset (others can edit)
            // Asset reference list
            Tag:      "books",
            Label:    "Book Collection",
            DataType: "[]->book",
            // Asset reference list
            Tag:      "entranceCode",
            Label:    "Entrance Code for the Library",
            DataType: "->secret",

According to the description above, the Library asset has the following characteristics:

  • Primary key name of type string
  • Only org3 and org can create or change the name property and the Library asset (because it's key)
  • books property of type []->book which represents an array of references to the Book asset
  • entranceCode property of type ->secret which represents the reference to a private data type

The definition of the Secret asset is as follows:

var Secret = assets.AssetType{
    Tag:         "secret",
    Label:       "Secret",
    Description: "Secret between Org2 and Org3",

    Readers: []string{"org2MSP", "org3MSP", , "orgMSP"},
    Props: []assets.AssetProp{
            // Primary Key
            IsKey:    true,
            Tag:      "secretName",
            Label:    "Secret Name",
            DataType: "string",
            Writers:  []string{`org2MSP`, , "orgMSP"}, // This means only org2 and org can create the asset (org3 can edit)
            // Mandatory Property
            Required: true,
            Tag:      "secret",
            Label:    "Secret",
            DataType: "string",

According to the description above, Secret asset has privacy features (Hyperledger Fabric Private Data).

We will not describe Hyperledger Fabric Private Data concepts, its operation, policy rules, etc. But to put it simply, when an asset is defined as private, only its content hash is recorded in channel, the asset's content (its properties) are only accessed by a limited set of organizations, the content recorded in transient databases in each peer.

  • Asset content can only be read by org, org2 and org3
  • Primary key secretName of type string
  • Only org2 and org can create or change the secretName property and the Secret asset (because it is key)
  • secret property of type string is mandatory for the asset
  • Both org, org2 and org3 can create or change the secret property

Asset list definition

GoLedger CC-Tools assets registration must be defined in the chaincode/assetTypeList.go file**

var assetTypeList = []assets.AssetType{

Dynamic Asset Types

The previous sections of this page described statcally created assets, by manually programming into the code. But CC-Tools also allows for dynamically definition and creation of assets during runtime, through invokes for the chaincode.


The configuration for the dynamic asset types are stored on the dyanmicAssetTypes.go file on cc-tools-demo. The configuration has the following options:

  • Enabled: defines whether dynamic assets types are enabled or disabled during runtime
  • Readers: used to specify which organizations are allowed to dynamically create and manage asset type

Managing asset types dynamically

CC-Tools offers three built-in transactions to manage asset types dynamically, createAssetType, updateAssetType and deleteAssetType. Using the standard cc-tools-demo API for org1, these transactions can be accessed using a POST request to http://<HOST-IP>:80/api/invoke/<TRANSACTION-TAG>, with the information about the modified assets being sent in the JSON body of the request. These transactions can also be access using the GoInitus interface.

Creating asset types

The asset type to be created should be sent on the assetTypes array on the request body. Each object on the array should contain the fields definig the type to be created, as seen on the asset definition, with the exception of the Validate field, which is not supported by the dynamic asset types.

Alongside the asset field, the props array should be used to define the asset type properties. Each object on the array should contain the property fields, as seen on the property definition. Once again, the Validate option is not available for the properties.

An example payload to create a new type can be seen below:

    "assetTypes": [ 
                "tag": "collection",
                "label": "Collection",
                "description": "A collection of books",
                "props":    [
                        "tag": "name",
                        "label": "Name",
                        "description": "Name",
                        "dataType": "string",
                        "required": true,
                        "isKey": true
                        "tag": "rating",
                        "label": "Rating",
                        "description": "Rating",
                        "dataType": "number",
                        "defaultValue": 10,
                        "tag": "books",
                        "label": "Books",
                        "dataType": "[]->book",
                        "writers": ["org2MSP"]

Updating asset types

CC-Tools allows the update of asset types in the same manner used in the creation process. Note that only types created dynamically or those coded with the Dynamic option set as true can be updated dynamically.

When updating a statically coded asset, be careful when upgrading the chaincode version, since the coded type will be used when rebuilding the asset type list

To update the asset, only the properties and fields that will be modified can be sent. The only required field for all types and properties to be modified is the tag, as means of identification. It's also impossible to modify the Tag for a type or property dynamically.

It's also possible to delete an existing property of a type by setting the delete field as true, as long as the property in question is not a key.

An example payload to update a new type can be seen below:

    "assetTypes": [ 
                "tag": "collection",
                "description": "A book collection series",
                "props":    [
                        "tag": "rating",
                        "delete": true
                        "tag": "name",
                        "description": "The collection name"

Deleting asset types

CC-Tools also allows the deletion of asset types. Just like when updating, only types created dynamically or those coded with the Dynamic option set as true can be deleted dynamically.

The assetTypes array objects for the deletion request only requires the tag of the type to be deleted. By default, if any asset of the type exists in the blockchain, the deletion of the asset will not be allowed. To force the deletion, the force option can be sent alongside the tag.

Also note that, if any other type reference the type being deleted, the deletion process will fail.

An example payload to update a new type can be seen below:

    "assetTypes": [ 
            "tag": "collection", 
            "force": true